All You Should Know About Animal and Pest Control

Nothing's quite as discouraging as checking on your growing plants, only to find they have been chewed on by a certain uninvited and unpleasant guest. Sharing some lettuce with the local rabbits might be more of an irritation than a serious issue, but many other pests can seriously threaten the health of your garden. Luckily, there are some true tactics for preventing and eradicating them from the garden, and that is animal and pest control in Grand Strand. Here is the best advice on controlling uninvited pests in Grand Strand and South Carolina.

Animal And Pest Control in Grand Strand

Here is all about pests control solution types:

Safeguarding Your Yard Against Uninvited Pests!

Like human beings, the environment kind of has its own immune system. So, it’s no surprise that the better you take care of your yard, the more easily it can defend itself against harmful pests. Maintaining a healthy landscape is the first and most important step to safeguarding against infestation and damage. Proper pruning, mowing, and irrigation will keep your landscape lush and will promote blights to vacate elsewhere.

Rabbits And Rodent Pest Control!

Rabbits and rodents can be little tyrants in your yard, eating their way through your plants and vegetables, digging unwanted holes, and leaving hideous droppings behind. Plus, if they are still hanging around when the cold weather emerges, you might also find rodents trying to cozy up in your house! Here is how you can convince these critters with animal and pest control:

  • Make your garden a less inviting place

  • Eradicate food sources

  • Set up traps

  • Impede pests with a physical barrier

Insects Pest Control!

  • Pest Repellant Sprays!

While physical barriers might work for some larger critters, they would not do much to halt the tiny and often more harmful ones. Commercial repellents are a superb way of deterring pests and insects from setting up camp on your property.

  • Horticulture Oils!

These petroleum-based oils are sprayed on vegetables, fruit trees, flowering shrubs, and other ornamental plants to eradicate a wide range of pests, like spider mites, aphids, scale insects, whiteflies, snails, and slugs. Horticulture oil works by coating the outside of these pests, which ultimately suffocates them.

  • Pesticides!

While prevention methods go a long way in maintaining the number of insects in your yard, that doesn’t guarantee you will never have to deal with them. When natural control methods do not work more, you might consider turning to use pesticides.


As discussed above, pests can ruin the overall environment of the outdoors and even indoors. However, if you see any unpleasant or uninvited guests in your yard, you must use animal and pest control.
